In this section we have collated haematological educational resources to support your professional development. Whether you are an undergraduate, a junior doctor, a specialist trainee, a nurse, allied health professional or a healthcare scientist – there will be something here to suit you.
The majority of these resources are open to non-members. To access them you will need to create a profile on our website. If you aren't a member or haven't created a profile, please register here.

Haematology images
Showcasing a wide range of Haematology topics, our image bank is an exciting resource for students, trainees and consultants. The haematology images are open to everyone and do not require registration.

Case reports (log in required)
Our bank of case reports explore the changes and challenges of diagnosis. Each report is illustrated with photographs and includes a multiple choice question at the end where you can test your knowledge.

Essay questions (log in required)
The essay questions are designed to help you study for the FRCPath membership exams. After completing your essay, you can compare it to the sample essay outline to make sure you included the key points.

Extended Matching Questions (EMQ) and Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) (log in required)
The EMQs and MCQs are designed to support your professional development and specifically to test your knowledge across all aspects of haematology. These questions will also support exam preparation. They are divided into three categories: the basic level for undergraduates, the intermediate level for F1-CT2 and the advanced level for those of you who are studying for the FRCPath exams.

Lectures and videos (members only)
In this section is video footage exclusive to BSH members. We have selected some of the talks given during the 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting in Liverpool, the 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting in Glasgow and the 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting in Birmingham for you to watch in video format. This includes footage of the popular Pitfalls Sessions.

In this section we publish videos demonstrating various haematology procedures. The videos are suitable for haematology trainees, junior doctors and other healthcare professionals interested in haematology.
The resources in this section are historical and some have been transferred from BloodMed. To ensure that the material in this area is up to date and accurate updates will be continually made.
To help us with this, if you see any information that is incorrect or out of date, please use the feedback button, where available, or email [email protected] to bring it to our attention.