The British Society for Haematology (BSH) has been bringing haematology professionals together since 1960 to transform the care our members provide to patients. With over 3,000 members worldwide, we are the largest UK haematology organisation and the only society to cover all aspects of the speciality.

Our members work together to share ideas and knowledge and to champion and strengthen haematology practice

Together we help shape the future of haematology by providing access to resources, events and education that support your professional development

Bridging the gap between research and practice, our guidelines raise the standards of clinical and patient care

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Vision statement

BSH will be the membership organisation of first choice for all UK haematology professionals, an association through which they connect, share their learning and provide a highly influential voice on all aspects of haematology

Mission statement

BSH promotes excellence in the study, research, and practice of haematology for the benefit of professionals and the wider public.

The chief ways that BSH acts on its mission are:

1. providing and supporting multi-disciplinary education for students and professionals at all levels;

2. raising standards of clinical care and laboratory practice through guidelines and the provision of expert advice;

3. providing support for research via its publications, programmes, and grants

4. providing networking opportunities that bring haematology professionals together;

5. representing the interests and concerns of haematology professionals at national and international levels

Supporting our members

The services we offer include:

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Who we are

We bring committed volunteers together to support our purpose to champion and strengthen haematology practice.

  • Our Board of Trustees oversee the running of all aspects of the Society.
  • Our committees cover the activities of the Society such as education and communications.
  • Our Special Interest Groups bring together professionals interested in specific areas of haematology. 

Get involved

Find out about vacancies on our committees and other ways you can get involved with the society.