About our Guidelines

Written by expert medical staff, scientists, nurses and other health care professionals currently practising in the UK, the BSH Guidelines provide up-to-date evidence-based guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of haematological diseases.

For those with slower machines or internet connections, please see our plain text version of the Guidelines listing.

You will find three styles of guideline:

BSH Guideline (previously known as BCSH Guidelines)
Evidence-based guideline developed following a professional literature search and a review of the evidence by the writing group.

BSH Good Practice Paper 
Used to recommend good practice in areas where there is a less robust evidence base but for which a degree of consensus or uniformity is likely to be beneficial to patient care.

BSH Position Paper 
The adoption and adaptation of a non-UK evidence-based guideline for use in the UK.

Join BSH to get advance previews and to input into Guidelines via our "sounding board".

See the list of archived BSH Guidelines or modify your communications preferences to receive up-to-date news and information on BSH Guidelines.

The copyright for the guidelines and the material in the guidelines (which includes the text, tables, photographs, images and figures) is owned by Wiley. For the avoidance of doubt, you must not reproduce any part of the guidelines without prior permission from Wiley.   You may request permission to use the copyright materials in these guidelines by emailing [email protected]

Please note that we cannot provide clinical advice on the guidelines to members of the public.

If you have any suggestions for new guidelines or have any guideline enquiries please contact Rita Gupta (Guidelines Programme Manager) by email [email protected]

ASM Guidelines Session Video 2021 available for viewing