This fund for this award has been depleted. If you apply for this grant, you will be added to the waiting list, whereby if someone drops out their money can be reallocated. The next funding round will start on 1 July 2025.
This grant supports UK-based undergraduate medical or Master in Science (MSci) students and biomedical and clinical science students undertaking electives in the field of haematology.
Apply through our online form.
Read the reports of students who have received BSH elective support.
Grant details:
Scholarships are available from 1 January and 1 July each year and are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis until the fund is depleted for the six-month period.
Successful applicants will have their expenses reimbursed on completion of their proposed electives. See 'What the scholarship covers' for more information.
No fixed deadline; available throughout the year until the fund is depleted.
Please note: Applications cannot be made more than nine months in advance of the proposed elective dates, and retrospective claims will not be considered.
Maximum value:
What the scholarship covers:
Reasonable accommodation, registration, travel and subsistence costs. For electives outside the UK, reasonable expenses are expected to align with recommended rates.
The applicant:
- must be an undergraduate medical or Master in Science student or biomedical science or clinical scientist student resident in the UK; and
- cannot receive in excess of £1,000 in a three-year period for a small travel grant (includes Student Electives, Trainee Educational Bursaries, Travel Scholarships and ASM Scholarships.)
How to apply
Apply through our online form.
What to include in your application:
- A cover letter outlining your reasons for applying for funding.
- Details of the proposed elective, including timelines, relevant project plans, proposed activities and educational objectives.
- A letter of support from your Dean or Clinical Tutor.
- An estimated budget.
- Formal confirmation of your elective, e.g. a letter of confirmation from the supervisor at the host institution.
When can I expect to hear the outcome of my application?
We aim to get back to you within at least 6 weeks of receiving your application.
Requirements for successful applicants:
We ask for a short one-page report for publication on the BSH website within eight weeks of your return from the elective, explaining how valuable you found the experience. We will showcase the best reports in our communications, including our website, member bulletins and social media.
For more information, see the terms and conditions of the grant, our Grants FAQs, or contact us at [email protected].