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The Official Journal of the British Society for Haematology, the British Journal of Haematology (BJHaem) is a peer-reviewed medical journal that has been in publication since 1955.

The Journal publishes original research papers in clinical, laboratory and experimental haematology, helping clinicians and staff in the field keep up to date with the latest recommendations, developments, and protocols.

Our full members receive copies of BJHaem along with access to the Journal online. See our membership page for more details and to join the Society.

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If you have any further queries or experience difficulties accessing the Journal, contact us at or 020 4551 4515, and we will be happy to assist.

Professor John Barrett, BJHaem Editor, tells us about future plans for BJHaem - Length: 03:18
Professor John Barrett gives us an overview of his BSH 2019 talk on BJHaem and what the future aims of the Journal are.
Professor John Barrett, BJHaem Editor, tells us about future plans for BJHaem
Accessing BJHaem via the Wiley Online Library app on Apple or Android devices

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  2. When asked, "Do you already have digital access to this journal through your society, institution, work, or personal subscription?" select "I already have access".
  3. When asked "How do you get digital access to this journal?" Select "Through my Society affiliation."
  4. Log in using your MyBSH username and password.
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