The meeting can be on any haematology-related subject but:

  • must be open to all BSH members,
  • must be held in the UK, and
  • the organisers must publicly acknowledge the support from the Society.

If a registration fee is payable, this also applies to BSH members.

A short report detailing the impact of the grant funding will be sent to [email protected] within eight weeks of the meeting.

A copy of the final accounts should be sent to the Research and Grants Committee by email via the grants coordinator at [email protected] as soon as possible after the meeting.

We may require that you provide receipts and invoices to substantiate your expenditure. If these cannot be provided, we may require the return of unsubstantiated funding.

Any unspent funding will be returned to the BSH.

Administration costs must be explicitly justified and cannot contribute to the salaries of the organiser(s).