Wednesday, 29 January 2025

2024 has been an incredible year for BSH and that is hugely down to our membership and loyal volunteers. See the highlights from some of our Committees and Special Interest Groups (SIG's) below. 


Global Specialist Interest Group

In 2024 the Global SIG partnered with Health Volunteers Overseas to send two volunteers to Cambodia, Dr Luke Carter-Brzezinski and Ms. Carlota Clemente de la Torre. Dr Carter-Brzezinski volunteered both clinically and within the laboratories for a period of three months in Calmette, Sonja Kill Hospital and AHC. This experience allowed him to gain skills in clinical tasks, assist with intradepartmental projects and teach a variety of clinical and non-clinical staff. Ms. Carlota Clemente de la Torre spent a productive year meeting online with Cambodian nurses before visiting in person. She focused on safe handling of toxic medications, administration of anti-cancer therapies, and PPE. Ms. Clemente de la Torre’s work was highlighted in the HVO ebulletin “What’s new with HVO’s hematology program”.

Join the Global SIG to keep up to date with their activities.


Laboratory Special Interest Group

The Specialist Integrated Haematological Malignancy Diagnostic Service (SIHMDS) is a service that diagnoses, monitors, and predicts the outcome of blood cancers. SIHMDS uses advanced technology and expertise to assess patients with suspected or confirmed blood cancers. The SIHMDS concept was conceived in the 1990s and was formally defined in the 2003 NICE Improving Outcomes Guidance (NG47).  Since 2016, many laboratories were established, and it was felt that progress was being made to standardise diagnostic services.

The BSH Laboratory SIG successfully applied for funds to hold an annual workshop for HMDS leads. An initial meeting was held in 2023 and brought together the leads from most of the twenty-seven UK HMDS labs. At the 2024 follow-up meeting, ideas were fleshed out and the idea of a supporting peer review project took shape. This will receive further consideration at a meeting on 7th February 2025.

Join the Laboratory SIG to keep up to date with news and activities related to laboratory haematology.

For more information, please email [email protected]

Research & Grants Committee

After a break of two years, the Early-Stage Research start-up grant (ESR) resumed in 2023. The value of the grant was increased from £20,000 to £40,000 with five grants on offer for any haematologically related research undertaken at a UK institution.

Grant applications are reviewed by the Research and Grants Committee and are open to all members starting out in research (not necessarily at the start of their careers).

The grant was awarded to four people from across the UK last year, supporting projects in various types of leukaemia. In 2024, there were thirteen applications, which are currently under review. There was a far greater range of projects.

Keep up to date with news on haematology grants and awards by signing up to our grants and awards ebulletin.

Lymphoma SIG 

The Lymphoma SIG has an educational focus holding two events and two business meetings a year. The topics cover both the clinical and scientific aspects of Lymphoma. The group created a podcast providing evidence-based research and advice to manage a multitude of syndromes and disorders from national experts in the field. The podcast can be found on the BSH website. 

Join the Lymphoma SIG to keep up to date with all Lymphoma SIG news. 

For more information, email [email protected]. 


Teenage and Young Adult SIG 

Established in 2017 the Teenage and Young Adult SIG (TYA) provide support for haematology professionals and advocate for haematology research and its translation into clinical practice. They aim to become an expert body providing advice and guidance to NICE and NHS England.  

The group hold up to two educational events a year, with one at the BSH ASM discussing both benign and malignant haematology affecting TYA patients.  

The TYA SIG have created a syllabus with the goal to create an educational platform where professionals and students can find advice and guidance from experts as well as high quality research.  

Join the Teenage and Young Adult SIG to keep up to date with all TYA SIG news.  

For more information, email [email protected]. 


Obstetric SIG 

The Obstetric SIG was established in 2001 to raise the profile, communication and education of this sub-speciality. The group provides a supportive network to professionals in the area as expert opinion and shared experience is imperative due to the lack of quality research.  

The group are currently working on a research project with HaemStar called MATRON, a retrospective data collection on the management of high risk and intermediate risk in pregnancy. The project was split into two branches, the data collection and an international perspective study on the management of high-risk and intermediate-risk VTE.  

Join the Obstetric SIG to keep up to date with all Obstetric news. 

For more information, email [email protected] 


Paediatric SIG 

The Paediatric SIG was established to create a network for those interested in childhood blood disorders. The primary role of the group is to represent paediatric haematology and address its training, workforce and educational needs. The group also have a subgroup; Paediatric Haematology Trainee Network that provides education, support and advice.  

The group have an open workforce survey to understand the current Paediatric landscape nationally and the needs of paediatric centres across the nation in relation to their workforce. Both individuals and centres are welcome to take part in the Workforce survey  

Join the Paediatric SIG to keep up to date with all Paediatric SIG news.  

For more information, email [email protected] 


Paediatric Haematology Trainee Network (PHTN) 

The Paediatric Haematology Trainee Network (PHTN) was created as a subgroup of the Paediatric SIG to act as a trainee body to connect Paediatric haematology trainees across all four nations.  

The network has five workgroups which provide education, training, peer support, FRCPath support and research. As part of the network’s education support, they provide a bi-monthly virtual teaching programme covering topics from the Paediatric syllabus, which they aim to continue in 2025. 

Join the PHTN to keep up to date with all PHTN news. 

For more information, email [email protected] 


Myelodysplastic Syndrome SIG 

The Myelodysplastic Syndrome SIG (MDS SIG) was established in 2023, previously an independent charity. The group aim to hold educational events twice a year, raising awareness and providing education and guidance to those interested in MDS.  

The group are in the process of setting up their webpage and preparing for their first educational event at the BSH ASM 2025.