The grant is to support your attendance at the British Society for Haematology (BSH) Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) to promote your research and/or develop your career goals.
You are fully responsible for the appropriate use of the grant with regard to the terms of your conduct, conference attendance, and travel arrangements, and we must be notified if for any reason the grant is not used appropriately. We have the right to ask for refunding of the grant if we feel it has been used inappropriately.
We are not liable, except for death or personal injury arising from our negligence or our fraud, to any third party for any matter arising in connection with the work or travel funded by our grant and the publication of the results thereof.
We encourage the promotion of our organisation but you must obtain our explicit written consent each time you wish to make any statements about, or references in any documents or other medium to, our grant support or our organisation, or use our name and logo.
You are responsible for ensuring the information you supply as part of your application is correct and up-to-date. Should you provide fraudulent information, your application may be invalidated, and we may require that you return your funding.
You understand the maximum funding amount is final, and BSH will not disburse anything in excess of this amount.
Funding may not be disbursed if your claimed expenses do not meet the 'reasonable costs' stipulation.
*Reasonable costs: Up to three nights of accommodation at £120 per night or less, standard return train tickets or economy return plane tickets, and appropriate registration fees.
You are required to provide a short report to us within eight weeks of the completion of your travel.
You understand applicants cannot receive in excess of £1,000 in a three-year period for a small travel grant (includes Student Electives, Trainee Educational Bursaries, Travel Scholarships and ASM Scholarships).
Your photo and a copy of your report may be published in our communications materials, including our website and social media platforms. We will proofread and make any minor grammar or spelling corrections as required. We will contact you for approval if edits beyond minor corrections are required. You may request we do not publish confidential information or withdraw your consent for publication at any time.
You understand grant funding will not be disbursed until you send through your report, proof of spending (such as receipts) and conference attendance (such as a badge).
Funding will not be disbursed to those presenting work from commercial companies.
Abstract Scholarships are available only to the primary presenting author on the abstract. If you are not the presenting author, please inform us at your earliest convenience.