Haematology professionals work across specialities and international borders to share best practice and advance the field. A broad team of people are involved in modern haematology across the lab and the clinic.

In the words of our Past Presidents

‘I think we work in a very multidisciplinary team and I think that's a huge advantage.’
Brenda Gibson, BSH President 2007 - 2009

‘I've benefited more than anything else from teamwork and that's really been a highlight for me.’
Michael Greaves, BSH President 2001 - 2003

‘The first thing to say about the BSH, you achieve things as part of a team.’
Patrick Carrington, BSH President 2015 - 2016

‘…the BSH has played an enormous role in the cohesion of multidisciplinary teams’
Trevor Baglin, BSH President 2014 - 2015

Highlights from the haematology timeline

Our timeline highlights many examples of building a community, including:

  • 2010s BSH meetings promote global haematology
  • 2000 National registry for ITP
  • 1990s Dialogue about treatment for ITP and the establishment of the ITP support association
  • 1980 Establishment of the INR for warfarin control
  • 1970 Government supports specialist services for immune deficiency
  • 1964 Formation of the British Committee for Standards in Haematology

Browse the full timeline for more examples using the link below or in the right-hand menu.

Reflections from the haematology community

In preparation for our 60th anniversary, we invited members of the haematology community to share with us their thoughts and reflections. 

Find out more about our anniversary video contributors.

It is not too late to participate – please send your story to communications@b-s-h.org.uk.

Jamie Saunders: Which individuals have made the greatest impact on haematology?
Jamie Saunders: Which individuals have made the greatest impact on haematology?
Jamie Saunders: Predictions on the future haematology workforce
Jamie Saunders: Predictions on the future haematology workforce
Sally Barrington: Proudest moment of my career
Sally Barrington: Proudest moment of my career
Sally Barrington: To those considering a career in PET
Sally Barrington: To those considering a career in PET
Sally Barrington: Growth of PET imaging
Sally Barrington: Growth of PET imaging
Robert Marcus: Improvement of communication
Robert Marcus: Improvement of communication
Andrew Jack: Major developments in lymphoma and leukaemia over the past 20 years
Andrew Jack: Major developments in lymphoma and leukaemia over the past 20 years
Cathy Burton: What is the highlight of your career to date?
Cathy Burton: What is the highlight of your career to date?
Peter Johnson: Of what would you say you are most proud in your career?
Peter Johnson: Of what would you say you are most proud in your career?
Lorna Williamson: Importance of international co-operation within transfusion medicine
Lorna Williamson: Importance of international co-operation within transfusion medicine
Lorna Williamson: Of what would you say you are most proud in your career?
Lorna Williamson: Of what would you say you are most proud in your career?
Lorna Williamson: What makes you passionate about transfusion medicine?
Lorna Williamson: What makes you passionate about transfusion medicine?
Jackie Green: Significant developments in haematology
Jackie Green: Significant developments in haematology
Imelda Bates: Biggest hopes for haematology in developing countries
Imelda Bates: Biggest hopes for haematology in developing countries
Imelda Bates: Greatest career moments
Imelda Bates: Greatest career moments
Imelda Bates: Who or what sparked your interest in haematology?
Imelda Bates: Who or what sparked your interest in haematology?
Shivir Moosai: Workforce predictions
Shivir Moosai: Workforce predictions
Heidi Doughty: Hidden heroes
Heidi Doughty: Hidden heroes
Heidi Doughty: How can we raise the profile of haematology?
Heidi Doughty: How can we raise the profile of haematology?
Heidi Doughty: Importance of being a member of a professional society
Heidi Doughty: Importance of being a member of a professional society
Barbara Bain: Greatest achievements in haematology in the past 60 years
Barbara Bain: Greatest achievements in haematology in the past 60 years
Barbara Bain: Relationship between British haematology and the rest of the world
Barbara Bain: Relationship between British haematology and the rest of the world
Barbara Bain: Haematology workforce of the future
Barbara Bain: Haematology workforce of the future
Sue Pavord: What are you looking forward to in your career?
Sue Pavord: What are you looking forward to in your career?
Jim Murray: The EU and British haematology
Jim Murray: The EU and British haematology
Jim Murray: Biggest hopes for haematology
Jim Murray: Biggest hopes for haematology
Keith Hyde: Which aspects of working in haematology have given you the greatest satisfaction?
Keith Hyde: Which aspects of working in haematology have given you the greatest satisfaction?
Keith Hyde: Greatest moment within your career
Keith Hyde: Greatest moment within your career

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The views expressed in the material filmed for the anniversary are those of the participants involved and do not necessarily represent the views of the British Society for Haematology.

Filming took place during the second half of 2019 and the start of 2020, prior to the Covid-19 pandemic.