Thursday, 25 February 2021

Four Seasons In One Day

We have had a complicated month as UK haematology professionals, let alone as human beings. Whilst many of us are still juggling complex situations, probably not catching all the balls and possibly even ceasing to care about a few careening across the floor, the UK vaccination program is at least rolling round smoothly and rapidly. We will all have had the comfort of seeing our patients receive their first dose vaccines even in some cases vaccinating them ourselves. Also, the vast majority of us have also received our first dose vaccines. Regardless of the political backdrop to the vaccination program, we have seen once again that when the NHS is given a job to do staff from all kinds of backgrounds are willing to volunteer to go beyond the call of duty to make things happen. It’s extremely heart-warming also that non-clinicians are part of the volunteer workforce.  Vaccine clinics have undeniably been the highlight in my personal 2020-2021 social calendar. Being only events in my 2021 calendar where I am permitted to meet strangers mask-to-mask and enjoy small talk in a convivial atmosphere, this is as close as it gets to a party. And, of course, spring is in the air. However, as modelled by my own ailing central heating system, ‘Even when you're feeling warm, The temperature could drop away’1. So, what can the BSH offer to tide you over until aftertimes, enticingly described by the BBC as ‘the end of all legal limits on social contact’?

Well, we will be holding our 2021 conference virtually, between 25 and 28 April 2021. We have some great sessions planned  - the ever-popular Crucible, as well as a very topical and very relevant session on physician burnout. To be as kind as possible to you all, we have extended the abstract submission deadline until 1 March 2021, so please consider sharing your work with us. 

This year, which already seems to be going on forever, remains our 60th anniversary year. Our fourth anniversary theme, shortly to be released, is entitled ‘Enhancing care’. The theme focuses on how haematology professionals have used practice guidelines, built relationships with patients and gained their trust in order to deliver the best care possible. I would hazard a guess that you now all know more than you ever wanted to about building relationships under difficult circumstances. We are not here to teach you anything about this but to celebrate you. Be celebrated - you are amazing.

BSH will also be launching the GOP. Don’t panic – we mean the Guidelines Official Podcast. A series of podcasts have been commissioned giving a brief introduction and highlighting important updates to newly published guidelines and good practice papers. You can listen to the podcasts on the go (or on the stay, as it were) using podcast apps from Apple, Google and Spotify. BSH can be with you anytime and anywhere – in your living room, in your bedroom, in your kitchen and during your socially distant trot around the local park.

Finally, a word about democracy. That fragile thing we have all seen challenged to the limit in 2020. There will be a particularly important election this month - for the post of Ordinary Trustee, a place on the BSH board. All voting members will receive an email on 26 February with a link to the voting site. I am told by our wonderful office staff two things which surprise me 1) many people don’t bother to vote. 2) members often do read this bulletin. So please, everyone, vote as if my self-esteem depended on it, I could really use your help!


  1. Crowded House “Four Seasons in One Day” Woodface, Capitol Records, 1992