Friday, 3 September 2021

Vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis: Link to guidance on management provided by the Expert Haematology Panel.

The Expert Haematology Panel comprises specialists in immunohaematology, haemostasis and thrombosis (or blood clotting and immune causes of reduced platelets), who held daily meetings between March and July 2021, to support clinicians managing these patients and learn from new cases. They are in regular communication with the regulators, other UK medical and surgical societies, multidisciplinary groups and international haematology colleagues focussed on this condition.

The meetings continue, now only on Mondays at 2pm, on this link

A list of UK Laboratories Offering HIT ELISA testing can be found here.

This document outlines the Haematology triage policy for patients with previous vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (VITT) 

This is a leaflet that can be printed out and given to patients

As this is an emerging area of practice, please continue to check back for updates and to monitor the literature for publications.

Media Statement on the syndrome of Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia occurring after coronavirus vaccination

The Expert Haematology Panel has been instrumental in describing this condition and its management and continues to work closely with PHE and regulatory authorities. BSH is working with the EHP to make sure the haematology community is kept up to date with the latest information on this syndrome. We have received many requests from the media for information and interviews and we continue to do our best to advise and inform wherever possible. However, all our members have responsibilities as NHS clinicians which are their priority roles and if we are unable to respond further, media requests may be redirected to MHRA.

For the General Public

We aim to provide members with both general and haematology specific up-to-date COVID-19 information. This advice is for healthcare professionals. Patients looking for further information on this condition are advised to speak to their healthcare providers, who are best placed to answer specific questions. Patients may also be able to get information from their patient support groups, some of them can be found listed here

This is a leaflet that can be printed out and given to patients