The NIHR-BSH Researcher of the Year award is a joint initiative between BSH and National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) to recognise recent contributions to clinical research efforts made by members of the BSH. The award is presented at the BSH Annual Scientific Meeting.
An award of £500 each will be given to three consultants, two trainees, and an AHP or Nurse selected by a joint panel of NIHR and BSH representatives.
Applicants must be active NHS consultants, trainees, nurses, physician associates, pharmacists or Allied Health Professionals and should not hold a substantive academic appointment. They must also be members of the BSH.
2020 Application Form (Word doc)
Please send completed applications to [email protected] by 31 January 2020.

2019 Winners
Read: Huw Rowswell - NIHR & BSH Nursing Award Winner
Consultant winners: Dr Tina Biss & Dr Nicola Curry
Trainee winners: Dr Pip Nicholson & Dr Claire Burney
AHP: Huw Rowswell
2018 Winners
Consultant winners: Dr Gill Lowe, Dr Tina Dutt, Sara Ghorashian & Dr Laura Green
Trainee winner: Dr David Tucker