Wednesday, 28 November 2018

A major new research project is aiming to develop a filtration system that can generate ‘universal plasma’.

NHS Blood and Transplant has received £1.13 million funding from National Institute of Health Research to develop a filtration system able to remove anti-A and anti-B antibodies from blood plasma.

This technique could speed up getting plasma to patients who desperately need it, reduce the risk of patients having a reaction to plasma, as well as simplifying the supply of plasma to hospitals and reducing wastage of valuable blood donations.

NHS Blood and Transplant is collaborating on the three-year project with Nonwovens Innovation and Research Institute (NIRI) and Macopharma.

Dr Gail Miflin, medical and research director at NHS Blood and Transplant, said: “Plasma transfusion is an essential treatment for patients with life-threatening bleeding. Universal plasma would make it easier to ensure we can provide this in a timely and efficient way.”

Source: NHS Blood and Transplant


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