Friday, 30 June 2023

BSH Statement on Government Workforce Plan

Josh Wright, President of the British Society for Haematology, said:

“We give a cautious welcome to this plan. The £2.4bn extra funding promised over the next five years must be followed up by similar or greater amounts if the workforce plan is really to make a difference to the lives of healthcare professionals and their patients. The workforce plan must be reviewed and refreshed regularly.

“Burn-out and stress among the haematology workforce is at a critical point, as it is among many other specialties.

“The Plan acknowledges that ‘available data is not yet sufficiently granular to give a clear enough picture for all specialisms to enable highly detailed national decisions on specialist workforce planning’. However, we have commissioned a significant, detailed research project to understand the pressures on our haematology workforce and to identify what needs to be done for the benefit of clinicians and patients, and we will be sharing these results with the NHS. The methodology should be helpful to other specialties too.

“We look forward to working closely with the NHS and government to ensure that haematologists can continue to provide the high quality service to patients that they expect and deserve.”


NHS Long Term Workforce Plan

BSH Workforce Project

Video on Haematology workforce challenges.