The ISTH 2023 Congress will take place 24-28 June 2023 in Montréal, Quebec, Canada. It will be the most important international meeting of the year in the field of thrombosis and hemostasis. This is an exciting opportunity to build your professional network and learn from global experts.

Date: Saturday 24 - Wednesday 28 June 2023
Venue: Palais des congres de Montreal, Canada
The ISTH 2023 Congress programme will feature:
- 4 Plenaries
- 28 Total State-of-the-Art sessions
- 80 Total oral communication sessions each featuring four presentations on the latest abstracts
- 24 Scientific and Standardization Committee (SSC) subcommittee sessions
- 30 Master classes
- 12 Career development sessions
- Nurses' Forum sessions
- Poster sessions
- Supported symposia and presentation theaters
- Engaging industry exhibition
For further information and to register your place please visit the congress website.