Thursday, 27 June 2019

The BSH Global Haematology Special Interest Group (SIG) are seeking a third Task Force member to collaborate on the BSH Plenary Speaker Scheme.

BSH is funding plenary speakers for haematology and transfusion conferences in low-to-middle income countries (LMIC). The aim is to foster partnerships between the BSH and other haematology societies to share knowledge and expertise. During the pilot scheme in 2017/18, BSH selected speakers for conferences in Ghana, Kenya, Egypt and Thailand, with a number of collaborative projects subsequently arising in education, research, and capacity building. Following these successes, BSH is expanding the scheme for 2019/20.

The SIG is looking for a trainee or consultant haematologist to join the two existing Task Force members to help with selecting applicant LMIC societies and speakers, to liaise between them, and to contribute to providing feedback on the scheme to the BSH.

The time commitment is small; a few hours per month. The Task Force collaborates predominantly through email and phone calls, and the wider SIG meets quarterly.

Please send an email briefly detailing your interest in joining the Task Force and any relevant experience, along with CV, to [email protected]

Deadline: 31 August 2019

BSH Plenary Speaker Scheme

Global Haematology at BSH