Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Use your skills and support your colleagues in Africa, Asia and Latin America With Volunteer Placements Overseas.

BSH are partnering with Health Volunteers Overseas (HVO) to set up short-term placements for UK haematologists to support haematology departments in low and middle income countries around the world.

Current partnerships are with four hospitals in Cambodia, Peru, Tanzania and Uganda and placements are focused on a locally-prioritised need such as developing treatment pathways and protocols, initiating new laboratory tests, improving transfusion services or building capacity for local research. You can read about one person’s experience here.

We are looking for volunteers who have completed their training and who can volunteer two weeks of their time, longer placements are encouraged but not essential. Please see the HVO Website for details on whether you are eligible to apply. Please note different countries require different levels of qualification to be eligible.

Volunteers will need to be BSH members as well as HVO members. If a volunteer is accepted on to the scheme the BSH will pay their HVO membership. If you are interested, please contact [email protected].

BSH Global Haematology SIG