Join scientists, clinicians, researchers, laboratory staff and all those interested in learning more about thrombosis and haemostasis.

Date: Wednesday 24 - Friday 26 January 2024
Venue: Hilton Belfast
Featured sessions:
- Scientific programme with plenary and oral sessions
- Clinical education session
- Emerging fellows: Showcasing the next generation of UK academics
- Scientists in Training: Presenting the latest, cutting edge research from UK trainee academics
- Oral free communications
- Poster session
Abstract and case study submission is open - Deadline: 10 November 2023
Sessions include:
- ECR session - Career chats on the couch: An informal opportunity to meet and network with other ECRs and hear informal career development talks
- Platelet signalling
- Venous thromboembolism prevention and diagnosis in pregnancy: Excellent clinical trials in pregnancy can and should be done
- Why do clinical research? How has clinical research changed practice in autoimmune haematology?
- Women’s menstrual health in inherited bleeding disorders
- Platelet fibrinogen interactions: Biophysical insights
- Pathophysiology and management of bleeding and thrombosis in patients with liver diseases